Random and liberated

So what do I mean by random liberated man?

Well, it is the best description that succinctly defines who I am.

I have been on this planet for over forty years, and it has taken all that time to find myself. Finding oneself is an interesting idea. It’s not as if one is lost, however, in my case I really was lost. I was a lost soul.

I have had varied life experiences and for most of my adult life have been self-employed, living an idyllic life far from the mainstream. I was happily married, had seven amazing children, absolutely zero debt and owned my own house. I had a fully Christian upbringing and was a leader in my church. I practiced and still practice Natural medicine, and apart from one set of injections none of my children are vaccinated. We never saw a doctor, as well our children were home educated, and all bar the first were homebirthed. Yep, we had a pretty amazing life.

Then my world came horribly crashing down.

That was five years ago. Basically I lost everything. That story is reserved for my novel or book which is still to be finished.

Suffice it to say, I have spent the past five years working on a full-time nursing degree, two diplomas and existing through a divorce and re-establishing relationship with my kids… plus a lot of other tricky stuff along the way.

Through that time I was described as a lost soul, and that is exactly how I felt. Everything including my faith was shaken, challenged, tested. Stress and sorrow took their toll and on the eve of completing my nursing degree, I burnt out resulting in failing the programme.

The plus side is I have found myself. I am more sure of who I am than ever before. I feel liberated. Completely free.

Though I am in the worst place financially than before in my life, though I have experienced failure after failure and multiple setbacks, yet I am the happiest. I chose to become the random man. To chose to be different and freer and take risks and adventure instead of being lonely and depressed. I chose joy, life and belief in better things ahead and belief in my God. I have made heaps of friends along the way and am learning what life actually really is. In these pages I hope to share some of my joys and triumphs and discoveries with you!

I am and remain the random liberated man,
